Wednesday 17 March 2010

de ja vue part 2

It is soul destroying to witness something unfair, unjust and, oh, I don't know....just wrong happening, and being powerless to stop it. Not having the words to offer comfort or to attempt reason or explanation is painful and sickening. A couple of years ago I helplessly stood by and watched someone, who had spent the largest part of their working life making a difference to children's life's, being treated with contempt and disdain by people not worthy enough to lick their boots. And once again, less than three years after that travesty, I am having to witness the same process all over again. This time two decent caring people - knowledgeable, competent, capable and wise, are being backed into a corner by the same evil -yes - evil people.

In their quest to push through their own selfish agendas these evil bureaucrats are willing to ignore what is important, ignore that which champions the well being of those in need and they are willing - no, eager - to ignore the protection of those that need protecting. These evil parasites are happy to sacrifice the experienced, the intelligent, the empathetic and those with spirit and courage in order to 'look good', to appear ruthless and driven, to 'win' and appeear worthy of their inflated pay packets. Those who dare to speak out, to question and challenge are targeted and shot down. Blown away. And fuck the ultimate consequences. Because those evil doers will have moved on to pastures new by the time the shit hits the fan.

Once again I have to look at what I do, how I do it and, once again, although in a job I love and think I do reasonably well, I have to re-evaluate my position.

People who do their job badly have to be challenged, educated and supported to change. They need to be encouraged to perform better. Of course there will be those who perform their roles so badly they have to be replaced but sadly, in my experience I see those who, although they may perform badly, if they are prepared to tow the corporate line will find themselves carried and allowed to continue failing those they serve. I have observed those that question, offer justifiable criticism, ask difficult questions and have high expectations from those in authority being victimised and hung out to dry and those that do the hanging pat themselves on the back and congratulte themselves on a job well done. It is not enough to be excellent at your job, it is not enough to have principles, to want to make a difference. It is only enough to be a 'yes' man. The following, from this weeks Observer, is what happens to those who say 'No'.

Sacking of school headteachers 'rises by 75%'Tougher line adopted on heads who struggle to raise exam results, claims ASCL general secretary
(1)Tweet this (20)Jessica Shepherd The Observer, Sunday 7 March 2010 Article historyRecord numbers of headteachers were sacked last year for failing to boost their schools' GCSE grades, it will be claimed today.

At least 163 heads or their deputies were fired in 2009 – 75% more than in 2007, the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) will reveal at its annual conference in London.

Ministers and local authorities are adopting a tougher line on heads who struggle to raise exam results, John Dunford, the association's general secretary, will say, adding that other heads have been told to quit even if exam results have improved, because their schools have turned into academies and sponsors want new leaders.

The revelation on Friday that the number of schools judged to be "inadequate" has almost doubled in the last six months to one in 13 will further fuel the rise in sackings, Dunford told the Observer. Schools placed in this category are put in emergency "special measures" and risk being reopened as academies under new leadership.

Dunford said: "We have lost a lot of talented schools' leaders who are unlikely to return to another headship after such a bruising experience. When a school is put in special measures, the local authority is under pressure from the government to be seen to be taking action and this could lead to a head being sacked. Some local authorities think sacking a few headteachers is evidence that they are vigilant and active in school improvement."

Meanwhile, Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, promised heads the freedom to "transform" the national curriculum if his party came to power.

Speaking at the ASCL conference, Clegg said: "We will allow teachers to innovate for the good of their pupils. We will cut the reins and expect you to reinvent and transform the curriculum. The majority of what you teach will be at your discretion."

I was wondering on the drive home tonight if it was worth spoiling my ballot paper in the next election. Not being given the choice of 'none of the above' I was seriously considering writng on the ballot 'none of you thieving bastards deserve my vote' but maybe Cleggs promise to 'allow teachers to innovate for their pupils' will get my vote. Providing of course the Lib Dem canditate for my area hasn't been flipping!

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Rat symbolizes such character traits as wit, imagination and curiosity. Rats have keen observation skills and with those skills they’re able to deduce much about other people and other situations. Overall, Rats are full of energy, talkative and charming.