Saturday 29 May 2010

Terry - Without you what is point?

Why on earth do we do it? Have we not learned any lessons? It seems not. We have a deep optimism that this time we have got it right. This time it will all work out. And it never does. If we are honest with ourselves we will see it has been years since it ever did. Why don’t we just face that fact? Why do we repeatedly put ourselves forward for rejection after rejection? We try our best. We make an effort to look good; carefully weighing up what we think will work. We spend months making it worthwhile, ironing out the creases, changing the way we do things in an effort to make it the best it can ever be.
We spend a long time considering our various options, making what we think are the right choices. We want it to succeed, we even think we deserve it to work out the way we hope it will so we chip away at the doubts and try our best to make a success of it. Ok - so we keep picking the wrong people, people who we think have got that 'special something', people who make all the right noises but when the chips are down, they're just like all the rest. They just can't make it work. It's not even their fault. We have such high hopes and big, some may even say ureasonable, expectations. We want our glory days back. We know that success doesn’t always bring us happiness, but we cling on to the thought that this time it will. We keep thinking this time it will be different. This time it will all work out. This time we can laugh in the face of all those who snigger behind our backs, who are glad to see us flounder, yet again. And yet what we actually get, time after time, is more humiliation, more rejection and we are left to pick up the pieces and, beaten and forlorn, go away to lick our wounds, wonder where we went wrong and how we can avoid the pitfalls the next time. There is always a next time. When we have forgotten the pain, the regret - the sheer bloody waste of time and effort. No, we don't give up! We don't quit chasing the dream! For some unknown reason we keep at it, year after year, thinking next time it will be different. Next time we will make the right choice. We will get it right. We will make it work. And yet we never do. So tell me….when will we stop entering the fucking Eurovision Song Contest?

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Rat symbolizes such character traits as wit, imagination and curiosity. Rats have keen observation skills and with those skills they’re able to deduce much about other people and other situations. Overall, Rats are full of energy, talkative and charming.