Monday 19 April 2010

The Joy (Eventually) Of Writing

One of the great things about the Internet is that it encourages people to write. I came across a site the other day that had posts from people of all ages, writing about their experiences growing up in a certain area. The writers ranged from people in their 30s to Octarians. I particularly enjoyed the writing voices of the older people. They spoke with a vibrancy, an awareness and sense of humour that was so worth the read. Or as Simon Cowell would say they were 'authentic'. These sites are a great forum for people of all ages to find a common ground and share memories and experiences. Outside of families where does this happen?

Some people have always had a writing voice. They have spent years honing their skill, experimenting with ideas and styles until they find a format that suits them and which expresses their ideas and thoughts in a way they are comfortable with, and which they feel will have the most impact on the reader. Other people may not have written since childhood when their teachers asked them, on a regular basis, to write about their themselves, their weekend, the works of Shakespeare, why America entered the Second World War and a poem about Spring, all in the space of a week. When I was in an infant class I remember being asked to produce two pages of writing about ‘What I did in the holidays’. I am not even certain I could write at that young age but I am sure I must have been able to do so as I only attended this particular school in the infant classes. I wrote my letters two inches high in order to do as the teacher asked. This was an awful school. All I remember is spelling tests, endless writing and a teacher telling me the tree I drew was too cartoon like. I don’t remember any reading books. I don’t remember many books from my Junior school either, but I know spent endless hours in the local library, just like Roald Dahl’s ‘Matilda’. I also remember that I couldn't wait to be able to read - I just knew that once I could I would be able to escape into another world. I am beginning to feel that way about writing. Its a journey to another world, it's just a different way of getting there.

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Rat symbolizes such character traits as wit, imagination and curiosity. Rats have keen observation skills and with those skills they’re able to deduce much about other people and other situations. Overall, Rats are full of energy, talkative and charming.