Sunday 8 August 2010

I'd be Lost without my Blogger

Another wonderful, atmospheric, interesting Sherlock puzzle and the last in the series. If you can call three a series. Wonderful stuff. Ended just like Saturday morning pictures.

I have fallen in lust with Sherlock. He looks just like a Lion with wide spaced eyes and a shiny mane of hair. His face is not given to smiling but when he does, wow, that smile is so unexpected and so alien to his normal face, that it sweeps you away and makes you want to do whatever it takes to make it happen again.

But I digress. Sherlock is definitely on the Autistic Spectrum. He has a phenomenal brain and stores information in the way a computer does. And he accesses it in much the same way. He has very little empathy, 'not much cop...this caring lark' but balances this, with an appreciation of the universe 'just because I don't care doesn't mean I can't appreciate it'. Sherlock is simply delicious. I want to wear long sweeping black coats and artfully tied scarfs, just like him. Sherlock is a Winter being, Bermuda shorts and Kiss Me Quick hats would look alien on him. He is my kinda guy. I feel sexy and desirable in my Winter wear and unattractively hot and pink in the Summer. Is he emotionally intelligent? Maybe not, but his instinctive intelligence counter balances this. Social Intelligence? Again no evidence of this. But you get the feeling that with a little effort, time and guidance Sherlock could be the the whole package.

The final episode spoke of stolen voices. Which reminded me of Aibileen. Speaking of which it was a pity that Moriarty sounded like Graham Norton but otherwise the series was faultless. And my London looked beautiful. Even its underbelly.

Things that I have learned this week from the TV. If somebody dies in front of you it is always advisable to call the police and an ambulance. DO NOT hide the body...that will ALWAYS look suspicious.

Which in a roundabout way brings me to 'Lock, Stock and Smoking Barrel'. I had avoided this film for years as I don't cope well with violence but me and my son spent a lovely couple of hours yesterday afternoon watching this incredibly stylelised ofereing from Guy Richie. Great movie with some great lines like 'Could everybody stop getting shot!'

He shoulda said 'Please!'

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Rat symbolizes such character traits as wit, imagination and curiosity. Rats have keen observation skills and with those skills they’re able to deduce much about other people and other situations. Overall, Rats are full of energy, talkative and charming.