Thursday 8 April 2010

Goodnight Sweetheart

A spooky coincidence today. A television programme aired this afternoon and they were discussing music and....posters!

One of the guests was Edith Bowman, a radio presenter and a music critic. Ms Bowman blogs and Twitters and via her iPhone she photo blogs. I checked out her blog and it was just a list of 'I did this, I'm going to do this next' type of entry which is something I want to avoid with my blog. My blog is just my ramblings, random thoughts, comments on things that matter at the time or strike me as interesting. When I learn to add links I will be able to upload music and my children will (hopefully) have something to get to know me better by. Anyway, Ms Bowman said that music makes her feel alive. Which is what I was trying to say about what it means to me in a previous blog. The conversation then turned to posters. Athena produced an iconic poster in the 1970s which showed a nubile young woman dressed in tennis whites scratching her arse. This poster adorned the walls of many a teenage boys room and is one of the best selling images of all time. Apparently the demand for this, and other posters from this period, has grown and Athena are relaunching several posters, including the iconic 'Tennis Girl'. Ms Bowman and the rest of the panel then discussed what posters they had on their bedroom walls and both Bowie and David Essex were mentioned. One woman described how she learnt to kiss by snogging her poster of George Michael each night before she went to sleep. I used to do this too, giving the Bowie poster nearest to my bed a long lingering kiss before I went to sleep. This just happened to be the poster that was published in the NME which showed Bowie as part man, part dog. The NME version showed the dogs penis, something that was airbrushed out of the album cover. Not for one minute did I think it odd that I was kissing a bit of paper, depicting a he/she/canine representation of my great passion!

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Rat symbolizes such character traits as wit, imagination and curiosity. Rats have keen observation skills and with those skills they’re able to deduce much about other people and other situations. Overall, Rats are full of energy, talkative and charming.