Sunday, 30 January 2011

Match Made In Heaven?

Liz Jones, writing about her brothers funeral this week in 'You' magazine finished the piece with a very sobering and sad observation. 'He became a victim of the capitalist bastards after all.'
Jones' brother had been born part of the baby boomer generation, he grew into hippy maverick musician who died a few weeks ago at the age of 61 from, as she says, 'such a small disease'.

Jones is a strange woman. She is neurotic, controlling, eccentric and demanding. The most high maintenance woman in the world. She is also generous, caring, vulnerable and a fighter for the underdog. She is a spendthrift and a recycler. She loves London but lives deep in Devon. She misses her previous home in Hackney but has filled her Devon farm with a menagerie that she will never be able to leave. Jones finds it difficult to maintain any relationship with a man and has recently embarked on a new romance that, as readers of her column could predict, is heading for heartache. Her new beau is an anonymous rock star she refers to as RS and there is some Internet debate as to his true identity. From her column he seems a nice man. Kind, caring, funny and rich. What more could a girl (or woman in her 50s, as Jones is) want? So long as it's not Chris De Burg I wish her luck. If it is CDB then I suggest Jones does some serious thinking. Just because there is a man sized hole in your life doesn't mean that you have to fill it.

The wonderful Jack Nicholson talks about ageing, love and death in an interview that appears in one of today's Sunday supplements. Nicholson has obviously been contemplating his own mortality following the death of his fellow actor and contemporary, Denis Hooper.

'One of the toughest parts of ageing is losing your friends. At first it starts quietly, then pretty soon it’s every month, and you can’t help but think, “When is that bell going to go off for me?” And on top of that you feel this constant loss.
He also talks about love and his need to fill a woman shaped hole that has, somewhat surprisingly, appeared in his life.
'There is nothing in his life he regrets, but one thing he yearns for. A lasting relationship with a woman.I've had everything a man could ask for, but I don’t know if anyone could say I’m successful with affairs of the heart. I don’t know why. I would love that one last real romance. But I’m not very realistic about it happening. I’ve been in love in my life, but it always starts with obsession that lasts exactly 18 months and then it changes. If I’d known and been prepared for that, I may have been able to orchestrate the whole relationship thing better.Read more:


I’m definitely still wild at heart. But I’ve struck bio-gravity. I can’t hit on women in public any more. I didn’t decide this; it just doesn’t feel right at my age.’
He pauses to get straight to the heart of his own theory of life.
‘If men are honest, everything they do and everywhere they go is for a chance to see women. There were points in my life where I felt oddly irresistible to women. I’m not in that state now and that makes me sad.'

Oh I don't know Jack. I think you are pretty irresistible. I think Jones should dump her rock star and you and she should get it on. All her relationships to date have been with younger men and all have ended in tears. Hers. An exceptional man in his 70s might be just what she needs.

Thursday, 27 January 2011




No doubt there are those who will be quietly pleased that some workers in the public sector are going to be losing their jobs in the Big Cut Massacre. There is a perception held by some that those who work in the public sector are lazy jobsworths who will end up with big fat pensions and would never have had the ability, talent or work ethic to hold down a job in the private sector. Public sector workers have had a pay freeze which is, in real terms, a pay cut as the cost of living is steadily rising while the money they earn stays the same. Those with mortgages may not feel the squeeze just yet, with interest rates so low, but those who pay rent see the cost of keeping a roof over their head rising at an alarming rate while the money in their pay packet stays the same and has to be stretched ever further and further. Public sector workers are not all the well paid fat cats the Daily Mail would have us believe. Many of them are part time workers, men and women doing excellent work for relatively low pay. Finding out this afternoon that 10 jobs in the small team I work in are to be lost over the coming months is not the worst of it. Not knowing who will be the ones to go is not even the worst of it. It is the realisation that vital services are being cut and, as ever, it will be the poorest and most needy in society that will suffer the most. After school clubs -  cut. Breakfast Clubs - cut. Nursery provision - cut. Thousands of parents who rely on these services so they can go out to work are going to find themselves without affordable childcare. They will be forced to cut their hours or even give up their jobs altogether. Then what? They will claim benefits and in doing so will become a further drain on the public purse. The scene played out today when we were told the news is a scene being played out up and down the country. Primary Health Care Trusts will be shedding Health Visitors, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists and School Nurses. Brand new Children's Centres, already build, will not be opened and some of those already in operation will be closed. Nurseries in the private and voluntary sector will close, particularly those in the poorest areas serving the most vulnerable families. Children's Services will make cuts across all departments. Housing, Parks and Environment, Environmental Health, Leisure facilities, Libraries, Old People Homes, Meals on Wheels, Transport for the disabled - these are all the things that will be cut to the bone. And if you aren't feeling the cuts in your bank balance yet you will soon feel it in the reduction of services you will receive in the future from your public servants.


Some time ago I accidentally sent an email to the wrong person. The email went to my boss and although it didn't contain anything outrageous it was something I would have preferred her not to read so I have some sympathy for Andy Gray even if he isn't a very nice man, eh I mean person. I have had conversations with my work colleagues in the past that haven't been entirely complimentary about men - the hairy guy with halitosis, the medallion man who thinks he is every woman's dream, the odd sarcastic comment about 'man flu'. Were these sexist comments? Maybe. They were certainly unkind and the 'man flu' comment has sexist connotations. This banter usually takes place in the pub after work but if it was overheard and recorded I would be not be very comfortable hearing it played back. I know nothing about this man Gray, except what I've heard on the news - yes the terrible sexist comments Gray and his pal made have been headline news - ALL WEEK - and from what my son tells me - that Gray is a good commentator and knows about football. I feel sorry for all concerned. The men who made the silly remarks, the woman they made them about and the rest of us who aren't perfect and sometimes say the wrong thing at the wrong time.



If I was a Gypsy I would be very angry with Channel Four and its portrayal of Gypsy life in their series 'My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding'.

Are these people really so awful or have the producers cut the footage in a way that portrays them as such?

The series focuses on Irish Travellers who, according to a spokesman for the Romany Gypsy community, are not gypsies at all - they are Travellers. Therefore huge 14 stone wedding dresses, slutty clothes on very young girls, spray tans for 6 year olds and 'grabbing' are not elements of Gypsy culture but rather the uncouth behaviour of some Irish traveller families. Grabbing is the term used to describe a rough, bullying version of courtship apparently accepted as normal by these young travellers. It is interesting to read what this Gypsy, writing for the 'Travellers Times', has to say about the programme and 'grabbing' in particular.

I was on a train at the time My Big Fat Gypsy Weddings was aired, but by the time it was over my phone was in meltdown at the rage and the fury. We’ve never heard of “grabbing”, yet apparently it’s a time honoured tradition of ours to allow young men to sexually assault young Gypsy women in car parks. Most of us aren’t catholic at all, yet apparently all Gypsy girls prepare for their wedding day with a holy communion. Oh and apparently we often allow toddlers to go to church alone in a limo pretending to be drunk. For most Gypsies, the Channel Four series has simply given the old myths about Gypsies being immoral, flashy thieves a glitzy TV make-over. We’ve become trailer trash versions of the Flintstones there for your TV entertainment.

There was a segment in the programme where huge bulldozers demolished a Traveller site that had been in existence for several years, devastating the people who lived there, tearing down their homes and fragmenting communities. It made very uncomfortable viewing and the young boy watching the destruction spoke with an acceptance, sorrow and calmness that was heartbreaking.



Today I went along to do some work with a group of 3 and 4 year olds in a Nursery. The children had drawn lovely masks on some card. 'Can the children have some scissors please so they can cut out their masks?' I asked one of the nursery nurses. 'Um, I think we have some in this drawer' she said before handing me a tiny pair of small red scissors that had a previous life in a toy doctors kit. 'They don't work for cutting paper and card' I told her. ' Well, no. They're are not real' she said.' 'Can I have some real scissors please?' I asked. Further rummaging turned up a tiny silver pair of nail scissors. 'No. I need several pairs of scissors. And Alisha needs some left handed ones' I told her. It transpired the Nursery doesn't allow scissors. All cutting out is done with a huge pair by the adults. Health and Safety. 'But these children will be given scissors when they start school in a few months' I said  'they need to know how to use scissors and how to use them safely'. As long as children are taught how to use scissors and supervised when they are using them they should be available to them. 'Order some scissors, including left handed ones, and plan activities which will allow the children be creative, experimental and that will develop their fine motor skills when it comes to cutting' I advised the Nursery. Sometimes cutting is a good thing!

Monday, 24 January 2011

Party Poopers

Another disadvantage of social networking - having your social gathering critiqued in real time!
Instead of airing their discontent and disappointment on Twitter why weren't they partying?
My place is far too small to allow me to throw proper parties. Instead I invite half a dozen people round now and again for a mini party - or more accurately - a get together. I would be mortified if my hospitality was being sniggered at. Fortunately unlike P Diddy the guests at my get togethers are my friends.

However my tip for stress free parties?


Not only will this stop twits twittering about how bad the food is, how boring the other guests are and what a bad choice of outfit the host has made but it will ensure that no embarrassing photographs of indiscriminate snogging, vomiting or streaking are uploaded onto sites for the world and his friend to see. Not that I have attended parties where that sort of thing happens. Well, not for a while now.

status update - Rat is making a stand

Still managing to stay away from Facebook even though I am now completely out of the loop and when I meet up with my friends they are all ahead of the game in terms of knowing what is going on with everyone and they feel it is a chore to have to fill me in on everything. I think they are doing it on purpose and, like the following comment on CIF from NoneToo Clever, a few people have been cross with me for escaping FBs clutches and are doing their best to entice me in again. It's like being a member of the Moonies. Once you are in you can never escape. If you try the other Facebookers will use any means available to them you make you relent. They will hunt you down and poke you until you return to their fold.

Great. I 'committed Facebook suicide' a month back - it was the only New Years resolution I actually stuck to.Now I don't have to constantly check in to discover useless crap like how someone I once met briefly 'likes' the fact that someone I never even met 'likes' some band I've never heard of. What's more I've discovered that a couple of my Facebook 'friends' regarded my virtual exit as bad electronic manners. Now, back in the real world, I have more time to spend on CIF.
Someone came up to me the other day and asked in a hushed tone of voice if I was OK and if there had been a problem. This person wasn't even on my list of friends and had somehow noticed my FB demise. And it is still bloody annoying to be on a night out with people constantly taking photographs and updating their FB account. It is a desperate attempt to say to everyone 'Look at me! I AM OUT HAVING FUN!'. Shouldn't be allowed.
Facebook etiquette is something users have to get their heads around especially the photo rule: 

Don't tag your friends in unflattering photos. Tagging photos of friends dressed in old 80s fashions and with bad perms can be funny, but tagging a picture of them taken last week with food between their teeth is not so funny. Don't post photos of non FB members. Ever. Unless it is a particularly good one in which they look hot and are dancing with someone who looks suspiciously like Brad Pitt.

Maybe it is because I haven't found my niche in the social networking world that I find it all rather sad and feel quite superior. I am not a yummy mummy who can join MumsNet nor am I comfortable with a site full of young people like FB. I have a Twitter but really can't be asked to Tweet or whatever it is you do on there. If there was a CynicBook I might sign up! At least the status update would be interesting.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Can I Have The Skin Please?

The other day my grandson was telling me what he had for school dinner and I asked him what he had for 'afters'. 'Cake and custard' he replied. 'I thought you didn't like custard' I said. 'Well I do now' he told me 'but I don't like the skin'. Which reminded me of the school dinner times when 'Can I have the skin please' was heard several times a week. If I ever write a book about my years working in a primary school 'Can I Have The Skin Please' will be on my list of possible book titles.

Last week saw the end of a fairly long running dispute between a school and one of its employees. Carol Hill was sacked after reporting an incident of bullying to the victims parents.

The headteacher strongly denies the incident was bullying but rather a game that got out of hand. The school's head, Deborah Crabb, said four boys involved had explained that they were playing a game called "prisoners and guards". The incident was not bullying but an "inappropriate game" which went too far, she argued during the three-day hearing.

'Prisoners and Guards' is a new one on me. Cops and Robbers, Batman and Robin, Doctors and Nurses, and in fact any game involving special powers are the main staples of playgrounds up and down the country. But 'prisoner and guards'? What next? 'torturers and tortured'? I am not suggesting that there is any hint of torture in a prison guards job description but the use of a rope and rails (and lookouts posted) suggests that these young boys were interested in exerting power. Headteachers are under a lot of pressure to deal with incidents of bullying and quite rightly so. But because a school is judged on the number of bullying incidents it reports some bullying incidents are in danger of being attributed to normal playground high jinks.

I hate it when any and every incident is described as bullying but the parents of this young girl were entitled to be told the truth. Even it the truth was her injuries were the result of a game that got out of hand. Instead Ms Crabb sent a letter to the girl's parents saying: "You may wish to know [the girl] had a minor accident today. She was hurt on the right leg and right wrist with a skipping rope." Not a good move. A game that got out of hand is not an accident. As a parent I would mistrust this woman immediately.

Yet Mrs Hill in my opinion fares no better. No offence to Mrs Hill but she comes across as the typical 'old school' dinner lady. Someone who thinks they know better than some upstart of a headteacher. Mrs Hill wants her job back which indicates she has a pretty thick skin, also common among old school dinner ladies.
A joint statement from the county council and Great Tey Primary School said: “It is completely inaccurate to suggest that Mrs Hill has won her claim for unfair dismissal.
'Furthermore there has been no judgement on the fairness, or not, of the dismissal and the tribunal makes it clear there is need for further representation from both counsels to decide this point. “On a number of critical points the employment tribunal ruling has found against Mrs Hill including that she was not acting in good faith when speaking to the press and did so for the purpose of personal gain. “The claimant’s predominant motive was self-interest and to a lesser extent antagonism towards Mrs Crabb. “The tribunal also ruled that disclosures were not protected under the Employment Rights Act therefore she was not acting as a whistleblower. The council and school will now be considering all the options before making any further decisions or announcements.”
It would seem that both Mrs Hill and Ms Crabb are victims of bureaucracy. But Ms Crabb - as the headteacher and person in authority and thus someone who could have handled the situation in a way that would have not escalated the situation  - you could do better!

In these days of cut it is interesting to see that a Labour council are going ahead with their election promise of free school meals for every child, regardless of need.

Critics have said that this policy will only benefit middle class families. But advocates of the scheme say that it will benefit the poorest families by removing the stigma attached to receiving free school meals. The concern for me is which services will be cut in order to pay for this? Meals of Wheels? Nursery Provision? After School Clubs? The money has to come from somewhere and given the most needy already receive free school meals you have to wonder how this benefits the poorest families. Because it is they,  and not the middle classes, who will be the ones who will feel the knock on effect of robbing Peter to pay Paul. But - it is nice to see an election promise being kept!

A Granny Blog

Everyone needs to have access both to grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being. - Margaret Mead

Driving home yesterday with my grandson we had a conversation about all his virtues.

'You are a kind boy' I said in response to him describing how, if he ever stumbled across a lost baby goose, how gently he would treat it, despite the grown ones we feed being very aggressive and scary. We had just seen a flock of Canadian Geese fly across the park.

'And I am a good sharer' he went on.

'Yes, I'd noticed that' I said.

'And I am a good com-pee-anier' he finished.

'What is a com-pee-anier? I asked.

'You know, I keep people company. It makes me tired sometimes though'.

Oh, to be in such demand. He is absolutely right. He is very good company which explains why his grandparents are all keen to have him overnight. And I am sure we do wear him out sometimes with our endless kisses, questions and chatter.

Yet however demanding we are grandparents are incredibly important in the family structure. One advantage grandparents can provide is financial, occasionally helping out until payday or contributing to big purchase. The giving of our time is also an invaluable resource. But it is what is called a 'special bond' between grandparent and grandchild that is enduring and unconditional.

Global Grandparents:

Grandparents Vital in African-American Families

Teaching, Caregiving and Providing Are Among the Roles They Fill

By Susan Adcox

Roles in African-American Families

African-American grandchildren are likely to say that their grandparents hold positions of authority, that they are involved in discipline, that they provide financial assistance and often act as parents. The grandchildren are also likely to see accepting a grandparent's guidance as part of their duty as grandchildren. Research shows that African-American grandparents often see themselves as teachers, and that the lessons they transmit often concern manners, values, morals and religion. Often grandparents reside in the same household as their grandchildren, and the number of grandchildren being raised by grandparents or even great-grandparents is higher in this group than in any other major racial or ethnic group.

The high instance of grandparents as care givers is likely to be linked to the cost of child care and housing. Without wanting to generalise it is possible that the current generation of African American grandparents and great grandparents were most likely to have been employed in lower paid jobs and so are not giving up high paid careers to care for their grandchildren.
Grandparents Important in Hispanic Family Structure

Latino Grandchildren Revere Their Abuelos and Abuelas

By Susan Adcox

 Grandparent Roles in Hispanic Families

Hispanic grandparents tend to play traditional roles. The glamorous granny and globetrotting grandfather are rare in this culture. One researcher has found that Mexican-Americans view themselves as "old" at age 60, earlier than black Americans (65) and non-Hispanic whites (70). Paradoxically, in spite of viewing themselves as old, Hispanics in America live longer than the other two groups. At least one doctor believes that family solidarity is a causative factor. "The sense of family is what saves Latinos," says René Rodríguez, president of the Interamerican College of Physicians and Surgeons. "Solid family ties are essential for preserving health. When someone of Hispanic origin gets sick, the whole family shows up worried at the clinic or hospital. This support, this solidarity, is an essential part of Latino life."

Research shows that Hispanic grandparents believe that they are important in the lives of their grandchildren; that they should be ready to raise their grandchildren if necessary; that they should help out in times of crisis; that they can and should have input into decisions made about their grandchildren. Grandparents also see themselves as emissaries of religion, the Spanish language and Hispanic culture in general, but this role is emphasized less as Hispanics become more acculturated.

The closeness of Hispanic families isn't without stresses. Grandparents may worry excessively about family problems or may feel that they must be the peacemakers when rifts occur. One study suggests that grandparents often give more assistance than they receive. Children and grandchildren are often busy with work and school and thus unable to devote much time to the grandparents' needs.

Old at sixty? Whatever happened to being as young as you feel? I have friends that dread becoming grandparents. Some insist their future grandchildren will call then by their first names. I smile knowingly and keep quiet. But I do admit to a rush of pleasure when people find out I'm a grandmother and express surprise. Even when I know they are only being polite!

Indian Grandparents
M. Hemdev

Grandparents act as shock absorbers, which cushion the aftershocks and they also act as bouncing boards, which help to ricochet a range of emotions. The different roles they play only serve to emphasize their vital link in the family. With a wealth of old world experience behind them, and having the unique ability of being able to metamorphose from advisers and listeners to mediators and friends, they can offer support and stability. The underlying sense of responsibility that goes with this is tremendous. The role of grandparents in children’s lives is varied. It is imperial at times, muted at others and goes underground whenever required but all the time solid and absolutely dependable. They are constantly performing artistes who do the balancing act all the time between their adult children and their grandchildren.

Grandparents often bridge the gap between parents and their children. Rebellious independent children who are trying to find their feet are almost always at loggerheads with their parents. The role of the grandparents can be very important provided they act as impartial judges and are able to convey this feeling to both parties. Grandchildren prefer to listen to the grandparents rather than the parents with whom they are unfortunately involved in everyday tussles. The sense of objectivity and the absence of bias lend a sense of credibility to their roles as mediators. Honestly done, this goes a long way in lulling both the parties into a sense of arbitration. Gulfs widen, but at the same time bridges are also built.

One important thing, which seems to be missing in the lives of children today, is the sense of family, values, religious beliefs and principles. This is where the grandparents step in. Inculcating beliefs and values is not as easy as it was 50-60 years ago. No questions were asked and there was an implicit sense of belief. With changing times and changing outlooks, children have started to question the authenticity of everything. They do not believe until they are convinced,. Globalization has eroded the sense of belonging and identity with their roots, and science and technology has them questioning everything. The parents who are already fighting constantly with time are perhaps not in a position to inculcate these values. Children are very demanding, and grandparents without appearing to be pushy have all the time and experience to deal with tantrums. They appease, soothe, and impart values with tremendous ease. The grandparents being on the periphery and still being central can perform this role to perfection. There can be no gainsaying the fact that their role is as important as the role of parents. Their timeless experience, their patience and their ability to create a non-compulsive learning environment is something that even parents have learnt to rely on. This means that the role of grandparents in children upbringing can never really be relegated to the background.

Sue Adcox also wrote the following artice:

Studying Grandparenting Styles, Past and Future

What Kind of Grandparent Are You?

As for a com-pee-anier I can't think of anyone better.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Don't Look Back In Anger

According to recent research those in their 50s are happier than any other age group. Just think I have 9 more years of bliss. Then what?

The 50s, certainly for me, is an age of increasing self knowledge.

Spending more time with my parents had led to me remembering more about my childhood and finding out little snippets that fill in gaps and explain why I am as I am.

My poor mum did her best. And in the language of social workers her care was' good enough'. Yet today, during training about giving babies and young children self care skills, I realised that there was very little about my early years that was 'normal'. Apart from the emotional and physical abuse mum didn't really bother with the other mothering duties, like weaning and toilet training. I ate tinned baby food until I was about 7 (unless I was at my grandparents) I slept in the same bed as mum until I was about 10 (she replaced me with my sister who ended up sharing a bed with mum until her teens!) My sister still had a bottle until she was at least 6 or 7. I found out over lunch with my parents last week that mum didn't bother with potty training either. Mum put me in a nursery when I was about 3 or so and the staff there eventually got me out of nappies. I was a clingy, whiny and tearful child and when mum talks about my baby and toddler hood she puts the blame, not on her poor parenting skills, but on me. I was a difficult baby. Everything I did was designed to cause her problems. Life would be so much better if I wasn't around.

Child abuse is more than bruises or broken bones. While physical abuse is shocking due to the scars it leaves, not all child abuse is as obvious. Ignoring children’s needs, putting them in unsupervised, dangerous situations, or making a child feel worthless or stupid are also child abuse. Regardless of the type of child abuse, the result is serious emotional harm.

Her words hurt much more than the slaps. But the slaps were so much worse than a smack. So how come I am only slightly fucked up?

Factors Affecting the Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect

Not all abused and neglected children will experience long-term consequences. Outcomes of individual cases vary widely and are affected by a combination of factors, including:

The child's age and developmental status when the abuse or neglect occurred

The type of abuse (physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, etc.)

The frequency, duration, and severity of abuse

The relationship between the victim and his or her abuser (English et al., 2005; Chalk, Gibbons, & Scarupa, 2002)

Researchers also have begun to explore why, given similar conditions, some children experience long-term consequences of abuse and neglect while others emerge relatively unscathed. The ability to cope, and even thrive, following a negative experience is sometimes referred to as "resilience." A number of protective and promotive factors may contribute to an abused or neglected child's resilience. These include individual characteristics, such as optimism, self-esteem, intelligence, creativity, humor, and independence, as well as the acceptance of peers and positive individual influences such as teachers, mentors, and role models. Other factors can include the child's social environment and the family's access to social supports. Community well-being, including neighborhood stability and access to safe schools and adequate health care, are other protective and promotive factors (Fraser & Terzian, 2005).

Effects of child abuse and neglect

All types of child abuse and neglect leave lasting scars. Some of these scars might be physical, but emotional scarring has long lasting effects throughout life, damaging a child’s sense of self, ability to have healthy relationships, and ability to function at home, at work and at school. Some effects include:

It can lead to unhealthy relationships because the adult doesn’t know what a good relationship is.

Core feelings of being “worthless” or “damaged.” If you’ve been told over and over again as a child that you are stupid or no good, it is very difficult to overcome these core feelings.

Adults may not strive for more education, or settle for a job that may not pay enough, because they don’t believe they can do it or are worth more.

Trouble regulating emotions. Abused children cannot express emotions safely. As a result, the emotions get stuffed down, coming out in unexpected ways.

Thank God I had my wonderful grandfather. His love made up for all that was lacking at home and he relished his role as grandparent. Which is something else that is wonderful about being in your 50s. Grandchilden. Bringers of Joy.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Mars, Old Fashioned Knees Ups and Tragedy

Bruno Mars has been sitting on the edge of my consciousness for a while now due to 'Just The Way You Are' and, now with his excellent new single 'Grenade', this young Hawaiian singer songwriter has really caught my attention. Isn't it great when you come across an artist you had never listened to before and find that when you do you really enjoy the music they create?

He looks like an Asian version of Cliff Richards as Cliff looked in 'Summer Holiday'!

He is so cute!

I've spent the evening listening to Dance Music. As in disco dance, not techno or house or garage. Why? Dance music isn't really 'listen to' music. The clue is in the name init?

Each guest to a party I am going to next week has been asked to put together some of their favourite dance music. It's been a long time since I have boogied but I immediately came up with the following 3 and, yes, they show my age but when I hear them and start to move to them - well - then I am transported to some dance floor down the Old Kent Road.

Jocelyn Brown and 'Somebody Else's Guy'

Odyssey and 'Native New Yorker' 

To end the evening this would bring the house down - Chaka Khan's 'I'm Every Woman'

Can it be that it was all so simple then? Or has time rewritten every line?

Inspired by a dislike of dinner parties and the desire for relaxed 'get togethers' some of my friends and I have decided to have old fashioned parties. The sort of parties where you bring a bottle, push the furniture back, roll up carpets, sit on the stairs, dance in the hallway and chat in the kitchen. Similar I suppose to a birthday party held in 1981 at a house in New Cross, South London. This week saw the 30th anniversary of the horrific fire that killed 13 teenagers who were at the party and, belatedly, a memorial has been placed at the scene of the fire. At the time the cause of the fire was thought to have been racially motivated and some still think this is the case. Duscus Howe, writing this week in the Guardian, reports that a witness statement claims that a white man was seen throwing a petrol bomb into the house. However, a survivor of the fire, talking on the news this week rejects this version explaining that a white man, throwing a petrol bomb would have been seen by him and the many people sitting outside the house that night. Whatever the reason for the fire the aftermath was certainly racist. Listening to the reactions of the government, the police and the press is both shocking and sickening. I was going to say that times have changed but now I am not so sure having read some of the comments on CIF following Howe's article.

Benjamin Zephaniah's wrote this poem about the tragic event -

Those poor children and their poor families.

Re the thread - Michael Rosen has a lot to say (and has even had a comment removed by the moderator) and there is an exchange between him and a policeman called 'Pilotchute'. At the risk of being 'policist' - Pilotchute writes well and with humour. A copper with brains and wit? Surely not!

'Joanevelyn' echoes my thoughts:
I was around at the time - and I living not far away in Southwark - and I remember first and foremost the sheer horror of the event; I was still young enough to remember parties like that, and to empathise with the terror when the fire broke out. The people who died were all just kids. At the time it was obvious to any reasonably sensitive human being that the popular press would have reported it quite differently if the party-goers had been white youngsters - and those early news reports undoubtedly influenced the reaction - or lack of reaction - from politicians. Some journalists of the time seem to take a view governed by racial stereotyping, i.e. Black Youths + Loud Music + Party Mood = Illegal Drugs and Violence etc. - therefore whatever happened is all the victims' own fault. The way the press handled it has left the same kind of bitterness among black Londoners as was experienced by the people of Liverpool in the wake of the Hillsborough disaster in 1989 - when 96 people were crushed to death at a football match - and the Sun newspaper chose to insult the dead and injured by putting the blame for the whole event on the victims. In fairness not all the newsmedia were guilty - the coverage on the BBC I recall seemed to be much more sympathetic and sensible. But however poor and racially prejudiced the original police investigation was, I think it unfair to tar the 2004 inquest with the same brush; I believe it was a genuine attempt to clear things up. .But with all the best will in the world, a lack of evidence available makes it unlikely that we will ever be 100% certain whether it was arson/murder or plain accident. It has to remain in the limbo of uncertainty. Unless of course someone comes forward to confess that they started it deliberately - or perhaps that their own carelessness with a cigarette or candle or whatever may have accidently ignited it. And who is likely to confess to being responsible for the death of 13 young people, even by accident? So could we just express our deepest sympathies to those who lost family or friends on that dreadful night, and stop the futile argument for a moment's silence?
Joanevelyn's comment has only received 8 recommendations.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

A to Z of Roads, Life & Zen

Lots of my time is spent driving to places I have never visited before. So far I have resisted the urge to get a Sat Nav preferring to rely instead of my sense of (improving) direction and my trusty A to Z. Before I set off on my journey I will have consulted my A to Z or a map and then off I go. So far I have managed to find every one of my destinations. As I set off in the morning, depending on where I am heading, several routes will form in my mind. Sometimes admittedly, like this morning, I forget where I am headed and take the wrong route, but most of the time I can rely on my mind map.

Apart from taking the wrong road this morning today has been great. It is not that often a day goes so well. At the first meeting the child we were discussing has come on in leaps and bounds. His mother cried tears of joy, a stark contrast to our first meeting 6 months ago, not long after her son was diagnosed with Autism, when she was still reeling from the news and crying tears of shock, sorrow and grief. My next meeting also went well. Everyone was on board with the plan I proposed and I was given excellent feedback. The afternoon was spend with colleagues I haven't seen for a while and it was great to catch up, particularly as things at work are so dire at the moment with the threat of redundancies hanging over us. Rumour has it 25% of us will be losing our jobs. After all the upheaval of teams being decimated and reformed we learn that not enough money was saved so jobs will have to go. Still at least Mr Diamond will get his bonus. Believe me a man that unattractive needs a big bank balance.

Getting back to Sat Navs - will the continual use of Sat Navs cause us humans to lose our sense of direction? Ratty investigates:

The Ecologist website says - Post-modern homo-sapiens expect instant gratification. We buy automated pet-food dispensers (where do I get one of those?) and ready-peeled potatoes. It is hardly surprising that satellite navigation (sat-nav) systems are so popular. There are more than 14 million users in the UK: half of all drivers. But far from empowering, this so-called advance is starting to disconnect and de-skill people. We urgently need to regain our sense of place, and claim back the talents which our society has lost.
Read more at -
Just as I thought.

The Mail have been running a series of articles about a 'magical' (their word) new book 'The Alphabet of the Human Heart' by Matthew Johnson and James Kerr . This promises to be the 'A to Zen of Life.'

Some of the feelings they say will ruin our lives (and yes, they run from A to Z);





I am hoping the Mail and not the authors list these as feelings. The headline also describe them as 'Toxic Emotions'. Ahem.

On a brighter note today they published a section called the 'Alphabet of Joy' again listing joyous feelings for A to Z. Included in 'Joy' was the following:





 'Z', in both Toxic and Joy is....wait for it....Zen.

'Toxic Zen'  is described as;
 Zen is a state of being. Of Silence. Peacefulness. Mindfulness. Balance. Your being and your life will be in Balance.Live right and everything will be in Balance. Sit in Stillness and Silence. Turn your eye inward.

'Joy Zen' is described as:
 You may recognise Zen from yesterdays Alphabet of Toxic Emotions. That is because it is were the negative meets the positive. It's a neutral state of being. Of Silence. Peacefulness. Mindfulness. Balance. Your being and your life will be in Balance.Live right and everything will be in Balance. Sit in Stillness and Silence. Turn your eye inward.

Eh? What a load of bollocks.

Messirs Johnson and Kerr are either rehashing something that has been written about a thousand times in a lazy manner or the Mails features writer has cut and pasted indiscriminately!

Money for old rope!

Monday, 10 January 2011

Southern Rules

Rich Hall is a very clever, very talented and very funny man. He is almost my new man crush. When he first came to my attention I can't say that I was overly impressed. He has an ugly speaking voice and it was hard to get past the noise he makes with it when he appears as a guest stand up on various shows for just a few minutes.  Hence the almost. Although I enjoy watching him when he appears on the panel of shows like Qi and HIGNFY it wasn't until a couple of weeks ago I watched a show he did in London and was blown away by his talent, his perception, his delivery and his song writing skills. His voice suits singing much better than it does speaking. 

Tonight BBC4 repeated a programme he made called the 'Dirty South'. Rich is to the Deep South of America what I would like to be to the Deep South of London. A quietly passionate ambassador. Yet despite having a ranch back in the US of A Hall spends most of the year living in a flat in London. No doubt South London.

Hall's alter ego Otis Lee Creshaw (who is strangely sexy, yet even thinking that is sooo wrong) is a hoot. As is the song 'She Calls it Stalking, I Call it Selective Walking'. Wonderful. 'Just Don't Hurt Me' is wonderful too.

Lonsome Dave is one hell of a Banjo player. Lonsome I assume because, according to Billy Connolly, women do not find Banjo players sexy. They always go for the guitar player.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Gentlemen Prefer Brunettes

A trailer came on the TV earlier this evening for the 'The King's Speech' and I said to my son J that I would like to see it.
'Which King is it about then?' he asked.
I explained that 'Bertie', the subject of ' The King's Speech' was not born to be King. His older brother Edward was destined for that role but because of his love for an American divorcee (Mrs Wallace Simpson), whom he was not allowed to marry, he gave up his kingdom for love. His abdication suddenly threw Bertie into the public eye and he became a reluctant monarch, King George VI. All these years on it is hard to understand the shock the nation felt about the abdication of King Edward VIII and I recited the famous line from the his abdication speech:

'I've found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love.'

'Wouldn't that have made a better film than one about his brothers stutter?' J asked.

The other day watching something in which Ruth Jones made an appearance (I can't remember what it was) I said to my daughter K that I thought Ruth Jones would made a fabulous Hattie Jacques if a film was ever made of Hattie's life story. Then today I saw a trailer for 'Hattie' starring Ruth Jones. Obviously old news but something I had not heard. I love Hattie and I am sure Ms Jones will be excellent in the role. Hattie was quite the femme fatale and had, if you believe what is written about her, a voracious sexual appetite. K had no idea who Hattie Jacques was so my comment was greeted with a 'Hmmm.' and I had to point out Hattie to her a few days later when we came across her in a 'Carry On' film. I have just had to ring K to tell her about my amazing psychic ability and sadly she wasn't that impressed.
'You know one overweight brunette comedy actress playing another overweight brunette comedy actress isn't that big a surprise' K said dismissively.

I think it is. They could have asked Dawn French.

Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche

Tonight I can write the saddest lines.

Write, for example, 'The night is starry

and the stars are blue and shiver in the distance.'

The night wind revolves in the sky and sings.

Tonight I can write the saddest lines.

I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.

Through nights like this one I held her in my arms.

I kissed her again and again under the endless sky.

She loved me, sometimes I loved her too.

How could one not have loved her great still eyes.

Tonight I can write the saddest lines.

To think that I do not have her. To feel that I have lost her.

To hear the immense night, still more immense without her.

And the verse falls to the soul like dew to the pasture.

What does it matter that my love could not keep her.

The night is starry and she is not with me.

This is all. In the distance someone is singing. In the distance.

My soul is not satisfied that it has lost her.

My sight tries to find her as though to bring her closer.

My heart looks for her, and she is not with me.

The same night whitening the same trees.

We, of that time, are no longer the same.

I no longer love her, that's certain, but how I loved her.

My voice tried to find the wind to touch her hearing.

Another's. She will be another's. As she was before my kisses.

Her voice, her bright body. Her infinite eyes.

I no longer love her, that's certain, but maybe I love her.

Love is so short, forgetting is so long.

Because through nights like this one I held her in my arms

my soul is not satisfied that it has lost her.

Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer

and these the last verses that I write for her.

translated by W.S. Merwin

Pablo Neruda

I am not jealous

of what came before me.

Come with a man

on your shoulders,

come with a hundred men in your hair,

come with a thousand men between your breasts and your feet,

come like a river

full of drowned men

which flows down to the wild sea,

to the eternal surf, to Time!

Bring them all

to where I am waiting for you;

we shall always be alone,

we shall always be you and I

alone on earth,

to start our life!

Pablo Neruda

Someone introduced me to the work of Pablo Neruda some time ago and I have grown to love some of his poetry - and the more I read it the more embarrassed I become that I even attempted to write a love poem! How can a poem, written in another language, perfected to a different rhythm, resound so powerfully with alien words?

I am hanging up my poet pen.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Mmmmore Wwwords

'The Kings Speech' is not the sort of film I would normally want to see having no interest in the royal family but I have read some great reviews about the film, particularly about the performance given Colin Firth.

My interest in the film is purely because my grandson has a stutter.

My grandsons stutter is fairly mild - he can go weeks without stuttering and then he will suddenly spend a whole day stuttering in every sentence. The speech therapist he sees is of the opinion it will eventually disappear and we shouldn't worry. Which we don't because he seems to cope well with it, he is progressing well at school and is popular and confident. However there may come a time when his peers notice it, comment on it and cause him to become sensitive and unhappy about it. Listening to the radio on the drive into work yesterday the subject for discussion was stuttering and several stutterers phoned in to talk about their experiences - which had all been negative - until they had learnt techniques to combat it, some more successfully than others. It also made uncomfortable listening.

Words Can Never Hurt Me?

This is the first day for weeks where I haven't had to go anywhere or do anything. So this morning the unthinkable happened. I didn't wake up until 12.10pm! I have lost a whole morning and I am not happy about it. A whole morning. 6 hours later than my normal time for getting up. 6 hours lost forever. Now my whole day is messed up and instead of enjoying a day of doing nothing I am all out of kilter. Being out of kilter is not good. Although I don't know what a kilter is - give me a minute to Google it.

Kilter - out of balance or harmony

OUT OF KILTER - " Many have tried to explain the origins of 'kilter' in this expression meaning to be out of order, out of whack, but no one has succeeded. The best suggestions I think are the 'kilter,' meaning a 'useless hand in cards,' the dialect 'kilt,' to make neat,' and the Dutch 'keelter, 'stomach,' because stomachs are often 'out of order' with digestion problems. We only know that the expression is first recorded in 1643, as 'kelter.'" From the "Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins" by Robert Hendrickson (Facts on File, New York, 1997).

A friend of mine will often email me and other friends who are interested in such things an obscure word and give it three definitions from which we have to guess the correct one (strictly no Googling the correct meaning). I am yet to get one right as I stick rigorously to the rules (I am not so sure about the others) and we then try to use the word in conversation that week. No easy feat when we have had such offerings as:

Pogomotomy - useful when G grew a beard for charity, sadly it never reached the cutting stage.

Recombentibus - not to be confused with a reconditioned 'bendy bus' but no doubt plenty of these occurred on board a bendy bus.

Sgiomlaireached - I actually got to use this one but nobody recognised my pronunciation which sounded like a coughing fit so all I got was patted on the back.

The presumed failure to know the meanings of words caused a bit of a rumpus (a noisy, confused, or disruptive commotion) at work this week when an older member of staff - who has a MA (Masters of Arts) in her chosen subject - was peeved (annoyed or resentful) that a younger member of staff - in the same team but from a different profession - read one of her reports. The older member of staff tried to maintain that her report was confidential and once she lost that argument she then tried to say that the younger member of staff was not 'qualified' to read it as she did not have the relevant degree. 'I need to read it to you, as I do with the parents, because you are unlikely to understand the words I have used in the report' she whined (to utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint).

This was wrong on many levels. The report was written about a child and the main audience for the report was the child's parents. Reports for parents have to be free of jargon (the specialised or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group) and when they are also being written for a variety of professionals who will be working with the child they have to be able to be read and understood by everyone who is going to read it. The older woman made an assumption that because the younger woman has a different job title and only joined the team a few weeks ago (from abroad) she would not be able to understand the report and had therefore committed a great faux pas (an embarrassing mistake, or indiscretion) by thinking she was able to read and understand a report written by someone of such (in her mind) superiority. The younger woman was close to tears as this discussion was taking place and the older woman eventually walked back to her desk satisfied she had made her point and there would be no more reading of her reports by the plebs (the common people). Unfortunately for her the younger woman's manager was witness to this conversation and that's when the rumpus began. They were all taken off to a room and the older woman was informed that the younger woman had a degree in the relevant subject and was able to understand the report. Which was beside the point as the report, if it contained such highfalutin language (pompous or pretentious) to render it incomprehensible (difficult or impossible to understand or comprehend; unintelligiblenible) to it audience it had failed its purpose. Older woman's turn to cry and take the next day off sick.

My friend T, who is one of the older woman's professional colleagues, told me after that at the interview for his position the panel are very prescriptive about the language used in reports, that it had to be free of jargon etc, and that he told them he was a member of the Plain English Campaign- - untrue but it impressed the panel and he got the job.

The younger woman, who is studying for a PHD in the very subject the older woman deems so superior, told me that in her opinion the report was substandard, clearly copied and pasted and really just a list of bullet points. This I can believe as I have heard a member of the team calling out to her colleagues 'has anyone got a report on a child with Downs?' clearly intending to tailor it to the child she was writing about. Nothing wrong with this really, we all have been known to take short cuts and why keep reinventing the wheel but if this is the case then stop being so precious about it.

The younger woman may even have felt that there was a racial motive behind the older woman's patronising behaviour. I know this is unlikely to be the case as many years ago this same woman asked me if my daughter's name was something I had heard on a soap opera (a television serial, typically broadcast in the afternoon or evening, about the lives of melodramatic characters, which are often filled with strong emotions, highly dramatic situations and suspense) which made me feel she thought I was trailer trash (derogatory description for person who seems well-suited to residential life in a mobile home park and is distinguished by poor hygiene, foul language, slovenly or slutty clothing, and general ignorance and children with unusual names). I have never forgotten this conversation or a comment I overheard her say a couple of years ago 'I haven't worked hard all this years to be put in the same team as this riff raff' (rabble; a mob; persons of the lowest class in the community) a comment she was heard to repeat returning to her desk after she had reduced the younger woman to tears.

Not a nice woman and one who has a lot to learn despite her M bloody A.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Charity Begins at Oxfam

As mentioned in a previous blog I am not intending to make any New Year resolutions this year, although if you do want to make changes a new year is the perfect time to make them. It is all very neat and tidy to stop smoking or start dieting on January 1st but for me that doesn't work. It is much better to start or stop something when the time is right as opposed to when the time is new. Recently I read an article about a woman who vowed not to buy any new clothes for a year (when I say I 'read an article' what I actually mean is I read the headline - an article about not buying new clothes struck me as being immensely dull) and this got me thinking. Could I go a whole year without buying new clothes? Of course not. This has nothing to do with fashion or trends but has everything to do with clothes becoming boring after a few months. That is not to say I don't like to keep certain things for years, because I do, and it is lovely to rediscover dresses you had forgotten, but I love the excitement of wearing something new. But I thought about all the money this lady saved, and hearing about nothing but cuts, cuts, cuts, I have decided that this year I am not going to waste any more money buying new clothes (apart from underwear and shoes) from a proper shop. Instead I will only buy clothes from a charity shop. Not only will this save me money but it will also support various charities. At the moment I have direct debits set up to make a monthly donation to two charities, the NSPCC and Breast Cancer Care, but by shopping in various charity shops I can support the British Red Cross, The British Heart Foundation, Barnardos, Oxfam, Scope, Sense and the Cat Protection League. All these charities have shops a short distance from my home and they are all, without exception, staffed by nice middle aged and elderly ladies who are extremely polite, helpful and grateful that you have made a purchase, no matter how small, but I have to say the ladies in the Cat Protection League are the sweetest old ladies you could ever meet. I am sure this says something about old ladies who like cats. I am coming to the conclusion that old people should keep a pet. They need something to care for, something that relies on them and most of all, something that is warm and loving.

Moving on...

I am not sure what I think about the sentence given today to disgraced MP David Chaytor. Yes, I think he is a plonker who behaved despicably and he certainly needs to ‘pay for his crime’ but does he really deserve to go to prison? Is prison really the best punishment for him? Aren't prisons overcrowded? Aren't we going to have to pay to keep him in prison? Hasn't he already cost the tax payer thousands of pounds? Shouldn't prison be for those people who are a danger to society? The murderers, rapists, bullies and drug dealers? Fraudsters have to be punished of course but what has been gained by sending him to prison? Surely it would have been better to make him pay back the money he stole, with interest, and then send him to work for some charitable organisation without pay. Tag him. Place him under house arrest. Ban him from working in the public service. Never allow him an expense account and, if he ends up on benefits, keep a careful eye on him in case he has an urge to work and not declare his earnings, or tries to claim DLA while working as a roofer. But 18 months in prison? The former MP for Barnsley Central, Eric Illsley, stands trial next week accused of dishonestly claiming £20,000 in council tax and other bills on his second home, while other former Labour MPs Elliot Morley and Jim Devine and the Tory peers Lord Hanningfield and Lord Taylor face trials later this year. These men must be shaking in their boots. Pathetic, greedy, nasty individuals who I would gladly see made to pay for their crimes (if they are in fact found guilty) but, if they are, is prison the right place for them, or any person who commits a non-violent crime? I would like to say ‘victimless crime’ but it would be argued that we are all victims somewhere down the line. Yet I would much prefer being a victim of Chayters crime than that of these two charming ladies. Prison should be reserved for criminals like these horrible women who actually escaped a prison sentence:

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Beauty, Brains and a Sense of Humour. What's not to love?

Browsing the book shelves in a charity shop, in the days that separate Christmas and the New Year, I came across the book 'Billy' by Pamela Stephenson. Pamela is my new 'lady crush' replacing Alex Polizzi in my affections since I saw Pamela sashaying across the dance floor on 'Strictly'. 'Billy', is Billy Cononnly the comedian, and Pamela, his gorgeous clever wife, had written this book about his life.

I vaguely remember the book coming out in 2001 and the discussion it caused around the revelations it contained about the sexual and physical abuse Billy endured as a child. Because of this I have never had a desire to read it, but fuelled by the boredom that those 'inbetween' days engulf me in, and my Pammy love, I bought the book and started reading it a couple of nights ago.

In the introduction Pamela talks about the Heisenburg Principal, which if you Google, comes back with the following:

Since Δmv ≈ h /λ and Δx ≥ λ the two can be combined:

ΔxΔmv ≥ hλ/λ. Therefore, ΔxΔp ≥ h

Pamela explains this as the notion that 'nothing in the universe can ever be accurately described because the act of observation always changes it. For every one life, there are a million observed realities including several of the subject's'. Swoon...brains and beauty.

Well. That explains a lot actually.

Pamela and Billy have been married forever. In the pages that I have read so far Pamela shows a deep love and understanding of her complex man.

Billy says that what saved him during his bleak childhood was reading. He loved to read and he got his books from the library. He describes the library as 'wonderfully warm, full of people of all ages, especially older folk' and it was there that he escaped to another world. Just as I did in my visits to the library as a child. We were extremely lucky, Billy and me, to have a place where we could go, away from the grim reality of our home, somewhere safe, where we were left alone, allowed to browse, unaccosted.

It is sad that all these years on something that was so readily available to the young and old of the past is at risk of disappearing forever. The people running things now have never had need for a proper community library. Why would they have had? They had access to books, newspapers etc, their homes may have even had a library of its own. No doubt their schools and colleges and universities had libraries that were second to none, places where no snotty, poor child or tired old pensioner ever took refuge in warmth and written words. So when cuts are made these people will make them without a second thought and when challenged will shrug their chip free shoulders and say-

'Let them use Amazon'.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

The Mother Of Invention

No resolutions this year. Oh the relief! Not because there is nothing I need to change or improve but because I simply can't be asked. I seem to be developing a rebellious streak.

Another invention-
A do-it-yourself hot stone massage pack - 'Pamper Pebbles'. Pamper Pebbles are stonelike in appearance but are made from a synthetic material that retains heat and, as it cools down increases in weight. The stones will be of various sizes and arranged between two sheets of a transparent material. It can be rolled up and put in the microwave (or oven) to warm up then the user simply unravels it and enjoys half an hour of sheer bliss. It can be used in a variety of ways, either with the user laying on top of it or placing it on their back as they lie on their fronts. Naturally the stones need to vibrate so a battery pack will need to be incorporated and the speed of vibration can be controlled (via a switch) by the user. I envisage a travel model that can be strapped to the car seat along the lines of those car seat covers with the wooden balls that old men and cab drivers used to find so useful (where have they disappeared too?) The travel model can be heated via the cars cigarette lighter and it can be an optional extra when a new car is purchased. In time it will come as standard and I will be rich. One day there will even be  an aromatherapy model  and even a mini Pamper Pebble for children that plays a simple lullaby. One day, maybe, even a Pamper Pebble mattress.
Can you guess what I really, really wanted for Christmas? I have been reduced to having my grandson walk on my back, which only caused me to collapse into hysterical (panicked) laughter and did little to ease my tense, tight muscles. Oh how I miss the masseur that used to visit. Although his hands did seem to (occasionally) stray to areas usually only caressed by a lover he was infinitely better than the tiny, but deceptively strong, Thai girl who asked in a small voice ‘Soft or Firm? Looking at her hands, which were no bigger than an average 6 years olds, I foolishly opted for ‘firm’. I emerged twenty minutes later, battered and bruised with my carefully styled hair dishevelled and standing on end. Word of warning - don't mess with small Thai women. They are freakishly strong and almost Autistic in their failure to recognise any body language (fliches) or groans of pain.

Apart from not finding a Pamper Pebble Deluxe Vibrating Aromatherapy Travel Kit in my stocking I received many lovely gifts for Christmas but the creme de la crème of gifts was given to me by my son’s girlfriend – a Grandson Calendar. She had put a lot of thought and effort into putting the calendar together, selecting just the perfect pictures to represent each month. For example December has my grandson building a snowman (taken a couple of weeks ago), June has him pictured at the wedding where he was a pageboy, October has him dressed up as a vampire and February (my birthday month) has a picture of us both. All these pictures had been downloaded from my daughters Facebook account, along with important dates that were also marked on the calendar. It looks incredibly professional and was all done on the Tesco website. A wonderful, thoughtful gift that I will treasure forever but also one that confirms my fears about FB. But what a great way to use and display your favourite photographs.

More I told you so’s -

There was one resolution that I toyed with. Lately I am concerned that I am taking myself too seriously. If I wasn't me would I like me? Do I like me? But then I thought about it some more and reconsidered. But I resolve to keep an eye on it.


About Me

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Rat symbolizes such character traits as wit, imagination and curiosity. Rats have keen observation skills and with those skills they’re able to deduce much about other people and other situations. Overall, Rats are full of energy, talkative and charming.