Saturday, 8 January 2011

Mmmmore Wwwords

'The Kings Speech' is not the sort of film I would normally want to see having no interest in the royal family but I have read some great reviews about the film, particularly about the performance given Colin Firth.

My interest in the film is purely because my grandson has a stutter.

My grandsons stutter is fairly mild - he can go weeks without stuttering and then he will suddenly spend a whole day stuttering in every sentence. The speech therapist he sees is of the opinion it will eventually disappear and we shouldn't worry. Which we don't because he seems to cope well with it, he is progressing well at school and is popular and confident. However there may come a time when his peers notice it, comment on it and cause him to become sensitive and unhappy about it. Listening to the radio on the drive into work yesterday the subject for discussion was stuttering and several stutterers phoned in to talk about their experiences - which had all been negative - until they had learnt techniques to combat it, some more successfully than others. It also made uncomfortable listening.

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Rat symbolizes such character traits as wit, imagination and curiosity. Rats have keen observation skills and with those skills they’re able to deduce much about other people and other situations. Overall, Rats are full of energy, talkative and charming.